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Popcorn 101

I love ‘home’ movie nights because I can eat and drink and not worry about how strong the cocktails are. Or driving.

For me movies = Popcorn!  Forget the Lux Theatre experience, just give me a tub of popcorn to make me happy. 

Sydney’s recent ‘big wet’ and the end of daylight savings time, has been perfect for watching DVDs. (I’m old school.) 

So to accompany the movies – POPCORN!   And to make it super special I even made popcorn from scratch! Totally from scratch! Not put a bag of the shelf in the microwave but literally pull the kernels from the corncob and pop it.

This was all I needed.  I found this popcorn at the Broadway Harris Farm, was intrigued and had to buy it. Mulyan Farms ( is based in Cowra and this product is fantastic and fun! 

The instructions on the label were simple and easy. All you had to do was pull the kernels from the cob and ‘pop’. They recommend breaking the cob in half which gives you about ¼ C. This gives you about 2 C of finished popcorn. Place the kernels in a microwave safe container and pop on high until the ‘popping’ stops. It took my microwave about 3:30 – 4 minutes. I used an old microwave popcorn maker (but that did leave me with unpopped kernels) so I’m thinking about a new glass microwave Popper from Williams-Sonoma.  

Once the popping stops, pour your popcorn into a bowl and enjoy.   It couldn’t be any fresher. 

Looking for a fun, autumn food activity? Gather the family around and pop your own popcorn. It’s a healthy snack, full of fiber and cooking it this way there are no added calories (unless you count the necessary butter)!  

Tasty Trivia: Popcorn is indigenous to North America. Archaeologists have found traces of popcorn that date back over 4,000 years. Popcorn was eaten as an American breakfast cereal in the 1800s. 


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